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Practice Areas


At T. Maxwell Smith, PLLC, we aim to assist our clients in navigating the intricacies of garnishment procedures, be it initiating a garnishment action to recover a debt or defending against one. Our attorneys aim to provide strategies that align with our clients' interests.

About Us #1


At T. Maxwell Smith, PLLC, we aim to assist our clients in navigating the intricacies of garnishment procedures, be it initiating a garnishment action to recover a debt or defending against one. Our attorneys aim to provide strategies that align with our clients' interests.

Our firm handles garnishment cases on both sides – as advocates for creditors seeking to recover assets or for individuals aiming to protect their assets. Regardless of the nature of the case, our goal is to provide our clients with a clear path through the complexities of the legal system, striving for outcomes that are legally sound and financially favorable.

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Our attorneys at T. Maxwell Smith, PLLC are prepared to provide you with the competent and committed representation needed in your case.

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Your Texas Legal Team
T. Maxwell Smith, PLLC: Professional, strategic, and committed to your cause. Your guide through your legal matter.

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