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Practice Areas

Consumer Debt Defense

Our Consumer Debt Defense are geared towards protecting individuals from aggressive and unjust debt collection tactics. Our firm strives to protect you from creditors and collection agencies who violate consumer debt protection laws.

About Us #1


At T. Maxwell Smith, PLLC, we understand the stress and uncertainty that can come with facing consumer debt litigation. Our Texas-based law firm offers competent legal representation for clients facing lawsuits from credit card companies, debt buyers, and other consumer debt collectors.


Navigating the complexities of consumer debt litigation requires an understanding of both federal and Texas state laws. Our attorneys are well-versed in these regulations, including the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), and the Texas Debt Collection Act.

Our approach to Consumer Debt Defense is strategic and individualized. We know that each client's situation is unique and demands a personalized defense strategy. Upon engagement, our team meticulously reviews your case, identifies potential defenses, and develops a tailored strategy with your best interests at the forefront.

We strive to provide our clients with the highest level of representation while maintaining open lines of communication. Our aim is to give you the clarity and confidence you need as we help you navigate the often confusing and intimidating legal process.

Remember, facing a debt lawsuit does not mean that you are without rights or options. At T. Maxwell Smith, PLLC, we're here to stand with you, provide the legal guidance you need, and work diligently towards achieving the best possible outcome.

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Our attorneys at T.Maxwell Smith, PLLC are prepared to provide you with the competent and committed representation needed in your case.

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Your Texas Legal Team
T. Maxwell Smith, PLLC: Professional, strategic, and committed to your cause. Your guide through your legal matter.

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